The casting base for the technical Spey roll cast

First of all the cast roll is a roll with anchor static, it means that our queue will always be in contact with the water. Roll cast when used behind us we have no room, when we have before us the tail crowded and I want to lie down, and when we raise water tails sinking more teaches you the basics of the technique Spey.
The launch roll cast for the two-handed technique is the most important launches because it teaches you the basics of the technique Spey.

The first thing and the grip of the rod, then teaches you the lifting of hands, the formation of the D loop, the position of the K position, stop-and-tear and the low hand holding the cane.

Many people underestimate the roll cast because it may seem boring, but instead is a casting launches the most important to learn the best technique Spey. When I keep my course students do spend a lot of time to roll cast because if we analyze all other launches would we see that at the end of all casting closing the launch forward we will be always in the key position that we have learned in the roll cast.

It means that if we get a great roll cast we understood many things about using the low hand on how to make the acceleration progression, the K position and stop.